Below are some of the NBA Officiating people who have been impacted by this website, Ed Rush, and the Court Club. You can read their inspiring stories below.
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“Ed’s dedicated team provides a support system for NBA Officiating people to grow and develop.”
I honestly have not put the material down since receiving the Success System offered by Ed Rush and Associates. I believe that they have developed a fundamental approach for NBA Officiating seekers to advance their careers and craft. The great part about the system is that it doesn’t stop with the books, CD’s, and DVD’s. Ed’s dedicated team provides a support system for aspiring NBA Officiating individuals to grow and develop.
Robert F. DeFinis
PIAA High School Official,
Lansdale, PA
“Your system…has improved my game immensely.”
Hello Ed Sr. and Ed Jr.,My membership with Court Club has been a great experience. Learning tape break down and watching for coaches to react as coaches do when under the pressure of the game
has pushed my level of potential NBA officiating to a higher level.Your program allowed me to identify and deal w/the following questions that I often get from stressed out coaches:1 What kind of call was that?2 How could your partner see that call?3 Can I get a call for my team?4 Can someone explain to me what my team has to do to get to the free throw line?5 Let the teams play.
This Is Your Ultimate Guide To NBA Officiating
These types of comments worried me before my membership with Court Club, but with the information gained through conference calls, membership guests and other officials sharing their experiences, I have been able to grow and be at a better position to wait for a play to develop and finish before putting a whistle on the player(s) or coaches.
Seeing the whole play and being able to better communicate with my 2 or 3 person crew is just without words. Coach communication and management is one area that Court Club helped me. It also helped me conduct a better pre game intro for what is expected and what will happen while out on the hardwood.

David Barker
Hayword, CA
“Your system…has improved my game immensely.”
Your success system – from the CD interviews to your book and the video break-down has improved my game immensely. In fact, in the last two weeks I’ve officiated high level teams in the largest class in the state.My feedback and evaluations have been very, very positive and my improvement noted by others.Thanks, and I appreciate all you’ve shared.
Jake Worcester
College Official
Greenwood, SC
“Next to camps, this mentoring program is the best investment a basketball official can make.”
This program has had a tremendous impact on my professional development as a basketball referee in a short time. Next season, I will not be working the volume of games to actively pursue development both physically play calling as well as to concentrate on the high school game. I truly believe that next to basketball development NBA officiating camps, this mentoring program is the best investment a basketball official can make who is committed to improving their game.
Brandon Montero
High School Official
Santa Rosa, CA
“The success system is helping most of all to motivate me.”
I have a passion for refereeing basketball games and want to see how far I can go with it. The success system is helping most of all to motivate me in taking the next steps along the way and also help me make better decisions.

David Geschke
Youth League Official
Germantown, WI
Turns out it was the best investment I could have ever made. Ed’s System puts YOU on the correct path for reaching your NBA officiating goals.
Three years ago I was looking for ways in which I could move up in basketball NBA officiating. I was 21 years old and although already a high school varsity official, I wanted more.
I wanted playoff games, and even move into the college level.After attending a NBA officiating referee camp in Las Vegas, I heard Ed Rush Jr. speak and was hooked on what he had to say.
It turns out it was the best NBA Officiating investment I could have ever made.I just turned 25 years old and still have a ton of goals that I want to accomplish but let me list a few that I have already made because of using Ed Rush’s system.I am currently refereeing at the Division II, III, and JUCO level. My 1st year in college I receieved 13 games. And this past year received 19 games with three Division II conference games (the highest level games my assigner assigns). I am on the ABA staff and was also invited to a Dallas/Fort Worth Pro-Am Summer league that not just anyone can get into and referee.I have also attended the right instructional camps and
putting myself in front of the right people on where I want my level to someday be, in the NBA as an NBA Officiating Member.With
that said, you may think that you can get all of this information just by strolling the internet. If that’s you, you’ve got no idea what you are missing out on.Take my word for it,
if you have any desire to move up as an NBA officiating member, you NEED Ed’s system.
Learn How To Become An NBA Officiating Member
He has outlined to me what it takes for someone to reach their goals! That is the honest truth, he does not hold back and I feel that he personally has been helping me reach mine and you can not put a price on that!
This is the best investment you will make and is for anyone looking to succeed. I owe Ed Rush and Ed Rush Jr. a lot for helping me reach my dreams and aspirations and you can too.
Aaron Clark
Division II, III, and JUCO level Official
Dallas, Texas
Listen to Nate’s Comments – Click PLAY Below
This system is unbelievable!!!
This system is unbelievable!!! In just a couple of weeks I am already through 8 CD and the book. No other place that I know of can I get the real thoughts of teachers from the NBA, NBDL, Div 1 and assignors. The best part is the dean of the school Ed. T. Rush himself which I was able to ask my own questions to. This system is amazing I am so happy to be apart of this network. Plus, with the Court Club, I was able to ask one of the most important questions for me. Signing up for this system has really helped a lot! The tapes are always in my car and it has really worked out for me. You are doing a wonderful thing and have learned a lot about becoming an NBA Officiating expert!

David Posner
JUCO, DI, II, II Official
Gaithersburg, MD